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“Make at least one attempt every day to see life as it really is – a work of art. When you do this, you will begin to Dance through Life as if it were the only possible way of living.”

Debbie Rosas & Carlos Rosas

This is an awesome body, mind and soul experience – always something lovely to look forward to.  

Bronwyn Anderson

My experience of Nia? Connecting; beautiful dancing women; expression; spirituality – LOVE IT!  

Miranda Tait

Addictive, joyful, crazy, fun, childlike, inward, flowing, stomping, shedding, window washing, workout, graceful, funny, friendship making, equalising, no stress, no competition, a part of life,
mindfulness, hands, feet, music.

Margot van der Wielen

I feel a complete and total release and am so relaxed and happy after a class – it’s quite amazing!
Although I enjoy ballroom dancing and yoga, they do not have the same effect. Thanks so much

Paola Ongaro

Nia offers me time out of my ‘head’, a space to concentrate on making the most of exercising my
body, listening to it, being in the moment and feeling energised and peaceful at the conclusion of
the class. It is wonderful to attend your classes, Gail – thank you for your enthusiasm and

Angela Klein

Since my first Nia class nearly four years ago I knew immediately that I wanted this in my life – and
I’ve hardly missed a week since then. It’s not only great physical exercise, but it nourishes all the
rest of me too, with dance, music, body and mind awareness, beauty, and play. Most important,
perhaps, is Gail herself, who gives the right touch of fun, spirituality, balance and understanding. I
also love that we work in this beautiful studio, rather than a gym! And that I can always dance at
any level I need to, or even make up my own dance when I’m in the mood – that also helps me
tune in to my own body each time. .

Pat Oliver

Nia gives me access to something that wouldn’t ordinarily be available: there is a meditative
aspect, the ability to physically pivot around a still centre; and there is a Dionysian aspect, the
ability to give rein to something wild and ecstatic. Gail is an exceptional teacher and she creates
a great sense of warmth and welcome in the studio; she is attuned to each person’s dancing
experience while leaving sufficient space for that person’s experience to be authentic and

Justin Newdigate

I was fed up and bored with trying to keep fit at the gym until I found Nia. It has all the things I
enjoy… music, dance and fun with a bit of spiritualism thrown in. Now I can honestly say I look
forward to my two Nia classes a week. You have a really good work out, lots of laughter and the
hours session just flies by. In spite of being over 60 I find I can keep up as the routines are
clearly demonstrated, there are different levels of participation, and the atmosphere is totally
uncompetitive and relaxed.

Jenny McDonald

No matter what is going on in my life, it is always so special to come to Nia and experience the
freedom to simply be … along with the peace and joy it brings. I am so grateful to you Gail, for
providing this space for Nia and guiding us on our journey of self-awareness… where we can
learn something new, awaken something old and forgotten or simply reflect on the beautiful words
of comfort while we dance our hearts out!

Rebecca Marais Granger