January 30, 2024
Creative energy is inherent in each of us, burning like a fire deep within our souls. By ignoring it, you risk extinguishing your creative spirit and disconnecting from the aspect of your self that gives meaning to your life’s pursuits and relationships. But fuel it and you unlock the secret to lifelong spiritual vitality and regeneration. ~ Thomas Ryan, Soulfire
As Heart Art’s first course for the year, it feels appropriate to ensure our tanks are full, our vision clear and our intentions are heart-centred.
ReViVe is the point of connection between heart, head, body and soul. Together in the Heart Art space, we will slow things down, check in, and connect to our inner voice to assess what has meaning, what matters most, and what is inspiring to us.
ReVive guides you through visualisations, uplifting stories, poetry and music, which ultimately lead into intuitive art-making and reflective writing.
These three-hour classes give you space to stop, breathe, check-in, assess and recalibrate. Heart Art is a practice in how to stay open, intuitive, flexible, compassionate, passionate, and inspired.
Please join me for ReViVe:
Weekly 3-hour class, all materials provided.
Rondebosch studio:
Tuesday evenings (6:15pm - 9:15pm) FULLY BOOKED
30 January - 12 March
Wednesday mornings (09:30am - 12:30pm) FULLY BOOKED
31 January - 13 March
Constantia studio:
Friday mornings (9:30am - 12:30pm) FULLY BOOKED
2 February - 15 March
A Beginner’s Mind is encouraged. No artistic experience is necessary.
Investment: R3,710
Bookings: gail@gailschoeman.com / 083 272 3421
“Gail links art-making to building health and thriving in the brave new world.” KW
“Every course with Gail is a joy and a respite.” FM
“Gail and Heart Art have brought me beautiful inner stillness, balance, peace and rich perspective; not to mention the joy of creating without judgment.” LP
“I didn't believe I had a creative bone in my body and now I know that it's not about what your work looks like, the creativity is actually in your soul. Heart Art has opened my world. It's taught me that there is so much more to how we can express our emotions as well as undercover what is going on. It's soul awakening.” SH
“I love the visualisations, the variety of creative expression that is involved, and how the guided journaling ties everything together.” KB
Heart Art is spontaneous “in the moment” creative expression. It tells you exactly what you need to know about yourself right now.
Heart Art is a non-judgemental approach to art-making where the creative process is the focus rather than the end product. There are no planned outcomes or expectations. You are encouraged to work spontaneously and to trust the creative process. You are invited to express yourself honestly and to honour all that is made with acceptance.
At the beginning of each session, you are introduced to a life-oriented theme and guided through an inspiration process (visualisation, meditation, story etc). This creates a focus for the art-making activity. These processes are designed to bypass the critical, controlling mind so that you are able to let go of fear and surrender to the moment.
The art-making involves mixed-media work using a wide variety of materials (clay, collage, painting, drawing, print-making etc). The approach is playful and experimental.
At the end of each session, there is time for reflecting on the creative process. This is an opportunity to explore meaning and make connections between art and life.