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Hello and welcome to FLOW, a six-part online intuitive art-making course. Each lesson plan comprises of the following:

  • An introduction video
  • List of art materials and an art demonstration video
  • Guided visualisation sound clip
  • Reflection writing sound clip


Click here for the Art Materials List. Watch the video below for an explanation of the materials.

NOTE: Please give yourself creative license and flexibility here. If you do not wish to purchase art materials, use what you have at home: printing paper, makeup, fabrics, recyclable goods … BEETROOT and TURMERIC make great colours to paint with! i.e. adapt the materials to fit your means.


If we were doing these sessions in-studio, we would have THREE HOURS from start to finish. Planning for Heart Art At Home is crucial. Commit to a length of time where you can be 100% present to meet yourself in the creative process. Block off a few hours, or spread your art making over a number of days. Avoid distractions. Make sure your cellphone is switched off and your family knows not to disturb you.


The aim of the creative process is to relinquish ALL expectation of what your art piece “should” look like. Let go of preciousness – allow yourself to be messy. You may end up creating abstract art – squiggles, lines, smudges, with no distinguishable features at all – that’s okay. Take risks, be daring, let yourself sit in the space of discomfort as you create. Feel your feelings and allow your feelings to be expressed through the act of art making.


Judgement stifles creativity – try not to judge yourself during the creative process. Remember there is no right or wrong way to make art. There are also no mistakes in art. Every mistake is an opportunity to do something in a new way, different from anything you ever thought of before. Be open to all possibilities, have fun, play and enjoy yourself.


You may hit a speed bump along the way; need help in dealing with self-judgement; or perhaps wish to feedback on your art pieces. I am happy to be a witness to your process. Please contact me by email

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”

Heraclitus / quote