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Bring understanding, clarity and compassion to your life and your relationships as we explore seven goddess archetypes through story-telling and intuitive art-making.

As evolving, conscious women we take on many roles in our unfolding life story. These roles follow powerful inner patterns that can invariably be associated to specific archetypes: guardians or inner allies.  Every woman has “goddess-given” gifts and “goddess-given” liabilities. 

Discover the archetypal goddesses within (which are dominant, which lie dormant, which need to be cultivated and which need to be overcome) to support living deeply, authentically and soulfully.7 goddesses

Heart Art’s GODDESS course is inspired by the book “Goddesses in Everywoman” by Jean Shinoda Bolen. All materials provided. No art experience necessary. Investment R3,840. Bookings:



“This has been a very empowering course for me. I found that each week assisted me in my steps towards ‘wholeness’ again.” BdK

“I had no expectations of the course other than making art. What I got out of it was so much more. I found that I am a multi-layered being with a world of emotions and skills at my disposal. Thank you.” DH

“Each session was an adventure, a flower opening, a step into the unknown, a playground. I found myself immersed, and having to return to real life afterwards was always a little easier, a little lighter, a little more meaningful. It was really worth every cent and every minute and I would recommend it to anyone, especially if you think you’re not artistic.” KG

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