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GOING WITHIN a Heart Art course

Going Within images

Here is a space to ask meaningful questions and help you find your own answers.

Go Within Deepak quote

When we create intuitively and let go of the habit to judge, we open a channel to unconscious knowing. THIS IS THE JUICE! This is where we reconnect to ourselves. This is where we access our authentic voice. This is where we learn to trust ourselves, and believe in ourselves, and love ourselves.

GOING WITHIN is a seven week creative enquiry into Self. This Heart Art course offers you the space to stop, breathe, check-in and recalibrate. It is a practice in how to stay intuitive, open, flexible, compassionate, respectful, courageous, passionate, inspired, and non-judgemental. If you love magic, creativity and imagination, and are open to art’s transformative powers for health and well-being, this is for you!

  • Explore life-oriented themes (inspired through story, poetry, and visualisation)
  • Be guided through un-inhibiting art-making practices (offering flexibility, variety and playfulness)
  • Find heart and meaning through reflection writing (to inform and guide from our inner-wisdom)

Going Within details

Studio space is limited so don’t hesitate! Contact gail@gailschoeman.com now!no art required
